Dustless & Wet Blasting, Bendigo

Dustless or ‘wet’ blasting is just like regular abrasive blasting, but with liquid added. Liquid naturally traps much of the dust generated by the blasting process. This is better for the health and safety of workers, while requiring a much shorter clean-up time post-blasting. The addition of liquid makes the abrasive material more weighted, therefore reducing blasting time and in some cases producing an even smoother result.

Dustless, wet blasting can be a more cost-effective option than dry blasting, while producing a surface which is paint and protectant-ready.

The combination of abrasive material, pressure and liquid is incredibly effective, leaving almost any surface polished to perfection. If required, we can add a liquid soap to the concoction to blast away oil, grease and grime. The possibilities are almost endless.

Dustless blasting is suitable for stripping paint, polishing wood, stone and more. Because wet blasting achieves such a smooth surface, we can go straight on to provide spray painting in Bendigo, seeing your project through to completion.

If you’re unsure whether wet or dustless blasting is suitable for your project, please contact us. We are happy to advise and provide a quote based on your requirements.